Pirates of the Burning Seas Review Guide
Yeah, so the title of this post is not up to our usual standards of obscure reference/clever witticism, but we have a good reason.
For the past several days, we've been playing Pirates of the Burning Seas pretty much non-stop. After experiencing a few technical difficulties in the direct download process, we were finally able to get the game up and running. And we have to say: It's a spicy meat-a-ball!
Even though we may have a bias towards the pirate genre, we absolutely LOVE this game. We love the ships, the combat, the strategy...ALL of it. (Well, maybe not all of it. There are still some tweaks we think should be made.) In fact, we're going to start our own society and come up with some wicked-cool pennants and sail designs.
Though analyzing why we love it so much would probably take some of the enjoyment out of it, we will say that the ship-to-ship combat is simply great. We love trying to find out what does or doesn't work in a battle. Trying to position your ship so you can rake an enemy's stern or tear down their rigging so you can maneuver close in and board to fight hand-to-hand is just great. Maintaining position in relation to the wind and to the enemy, while determining the optimal cannon load and whether or not you can remain outside the enemy's firing arc long enough to unload your cannister shot to decimate their crew and send your boarding party over the rails...I mean...what is NOT to like?
We'll be working closely with the writer we've hired to come up with our guide, and we know you'll be pleased with the results. We've decided to add some nifty history-based information that we've found to work surprisingly well in-game. We've done some research into the age of sail and combat tactics, and those will be incorporated into the guide.
Till next time, true believers.
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