I don't want you guys using words with no meaning.
Now joining the ranks of truthiness, crisitunity and irregardless (we hope not), Meriam-Webster's dictionary has released the word of the year for 2007. Are you ready for it? Here it comes:
Yes, that hybrid of 'Wow, loot!' that is so commonly heard voiced by gamers around the world (or at least on a few of the internets) whenever they want to express joy, 'w00t' is now a word. Sort of.
We have our doubts as to how long the word will be around, but we are glad to see there other people in the world who are at least cognizant of some of the gaming world's peculiarities.
Now, if only those noobs weren't afk so much, they could get a few dings and maybe help us with crowd control.
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