Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Push out the jive, bring in the love.

We've decided to add to our ever expanding list of reasons as to why we kick so much a**, so we're happy to announce that as of January 1st, 2008, our website will be adding a new section: the Weekly Free (and super-cool) Tip.

If you can't tell what that new section is from the title, you probably need some remedial-English lessons or we need to work on our marketing skills. Never the less, we will offer a weekly free tip for one of the games we cover. Since we'll take the tip directly form our current guides or one of our in-production guides, the tips should be pretty good. It will be a randomized tip, so it may or may not cover the game you play. But don't let that discourage you, as you can just check back next week and see what new cool stuff we have to tell you.

Till next time, true believers.